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September 2024

Tënā koutou katoa

 The lead article this month is a reduced version of a report written by Fleur Te Aho (Ngāti Mutunga), a Senior Lecturer in the Auckland Law School at the University of Auckland.  The Aotearoa New Zealand report is one of 71 written for the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)  Global Report 2024,  The Indigenous World. The yearbook provides a summary of the situation facing indigenous peoples worldwide, using statistics, data and information on their health, wellbeing, opportunities and rights.  It will come as no surprise that we have a long way to go in closing gaps between Māori and Pakeha in Aotearoa.

As the coalition government seeks to introduce legislation reforms that undermine many of the gains made by Māori over the past 50 years, Rev Keita Hotere reminds us of the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi to the narrative of our own church relations in Aotearoa New Zealand.  As a Church committed to a bicultural journey, we have a responsibility to take action “on matters that oppress and marginalise the voice of its tangata whenua partner in this country”.

The President Elect, Te Aroha Rountree, and Vice President Elect, Rev Peter Norman provide an overview of Hui Tōpu  Methodist Conference 2024 in Wellington. The theme, Don't Just Change, Transform! will steer Te Hāhi towards a transformative future, rooted in justice and reconciliation for all of creation.

On the topic of transformation, new father Wes Machee shares how the transformative love he feels for his family has been lifechanging. This month we celebrate Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Hoana Flay has written an article in te reo reporting on her recent visit to Poneke Rohe (Wellington) where she has been taking Karakia and helping strengthen relationships.

I thank everyone who has contributed to this edition of Touchstone and as always, welcome your feedback on the content. 

Ngā mihi nui

Ady Shannon

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