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Latest Edition


July 2024

Welcome to the July edition of Touchstone.  Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori. Mānawatia a Matariki.

As we recently celebrated the third annual Matariki public holiday - the first new public holiday to be introduced in Aotearoa since 1974 - it is encouraging to witness the cultural significance of the Māori New Year and the nation’s understanding of Matariki evolving. The many events taking place throughout the country reflect a growing awareness of the occasion and people’s willingness to honour, embrace and deepen their understanding of the cultural traditions and history related to Matariki and our bi-cultural heritage. This edition includes a hymn Rev Norman Brookes has written celebrating Matariki.

In recognition of another significant event – all be it far less celebratory – Rev David Poultney has written a Liturgy of Lament in advance of the public release of the comprehensive report from the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care. The Liturgy, in several languages, will be distributed to all parishes, Synods and rohe this week. It invites reflection over a report that includes former Methodist leaders involved in abuse that has impacted the lives of vulnerable children and adults.

In keeping with our MCNZ decade commitment to Rekindle the Vā of Papatūānuku, we share initiatives being undertaken by people and parishes committed to making a difference to our planet.  Rev Mark Gibson introduces a kete of liturgical and devotional resources he has created for the Season of Creation designed to enrich the understanding of the theme “In Full Connection.”

Rev Michael Lemanu reflects on six months of parish ministry in Taranaki in a new role that is bringing Methodists together in bold, new ways. Jennie Hood, MCNZ archivist, reports from the Cook Islands where she is engaged in a year-long archiving project that brings novel and unexpected daily challenges, adventures and rewards. A variety of contributors reflect on issues of theology, review films and books, bring news from local parishes and further afield, and share the stories of people past and present doing mission in many ways.

As always, I hope you will find information that inspires and informs.

Nga mihi nui Ady Shannon

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