2024 - Superintendants
Co-Superintendants at Te Awamutu
Deacon Margaret Birtles, Rev. Tau Lasi
2023 - Super Team
Super Team at Morrinsville
Super Team: Viv Whimster, Rev. Tau Lasi, Deacon Margaret Birtles
2022 - Super Team
Super Team at Te Awamutu
Super Team: Viv Whimser, Shelley Walker, Margaret Birtles
2022 May - Epworth Refresh
As first-time attendees at a Refresh event, my wife and I had little idea of what to expect.
For me the atmosphere of friendship and personal openness was a large contributor to the “refreshment”, amongst clergy and lay people, the majority whom I had never met before.
The shared studies had us digging deep into our personal attitudes and understandings with plenty of opportunities to do so as individuals in our own quiet space.
Beginning with paths we may explore, with promptings from selected Bible readings gave us a good stimulus for reflections on our past and future.
Reaching into all our senses, discovering fresh ways of experiencing the divine through them, was a time that I found truly enriching and lasting. Something beautiful to link to our surroundings at Epworth.
To the leaders who prepared these explorations and gave us the opportunities to share together our honest feelings, and find our own private pathways, my heartfelt thank you.
- Michael and Barbara Templer
Messy Church
Messy Church is an interdenominational, international way of doing church.
The core values of Messy Church are:
All Age
Christ Centred
Celebration Time
It is usually run every 4 weeks at a time, that suits you and your community. St Paul’s run their Messy Church about every 6 weeks on a Saturday at 4-6 pm; as a small church. Anywhere between 50-100 attend at a time.
The format of the service:
- 4 pm - A short welcome in church
- 4.10-5 pm - Activities in the hall based on the Bible theme or message for the day
- 5.10-5.30 pm - Celebration Time in church which is Christ Centred. It’s a very relaxed noisy time with a simple message.
- 5.30 pm - Full sit down meal is provided for everyone.
- 6 - 6.30 pm - Departure.
Messy School; Cooking Group; Fun, Food & Faith
As a result of Messy Church they now run Messy School. This is an after school literacy support group for children.
St Paul’s run a mum’s cooking group where they prepare a meal to take home . This happens once a month.
St Paul’s offer Fun, Food & Faith on a Sunday morning during the 10am service for children and their parents or caregivers.You can visit their website at messychurch.nzPlease contact Mary Addison if you would like to know more about Messy Church -
2021 December - Zoom Synod
Synod gathered on December 3rd by Zoom, with up to 50 members attending.
Tribute to Rev Norman Goreham read by Jeremy Whimster. Norman was remembered for his hymn writing, his academic abilities, and his leading of retreats at local and Connexional levels.
Good news:-
- Brian Eagle, 50 years since ordination; Peter West, 50 years since 1st appointment;
- Peter Taylor and TeRito Peyroux, the new President elect and Vice-President elect for the Methodist Church.
- Shirley Rivers has been appointed as Director Mission Northern. Although she was unable to join us - Viv Whimster congratulated her on behalf of Synod and wished her well in her new position.
- Alipate Livani has been appointed as Synod Superintendent of Wasewase ko Viti Kei Rotuma. Metui Tafuna spoke on behalf of the Synod.
Trudy Downs, the Connexional Health & Safety Coordinator, talked about the new Traffic Light system and Vaccine passes. Opportunity for discussion was given using breakout rooms for 10 minutes where issues were discussed and questions asked. After this, Trudy was able to answer many of the questions that had been raised.
The following are completing their term as Supply and thanks and good wishes of Synod are extended to:
- Graham Colley from Western Bay of Plenty Parish
- Jan Fogg from Hauraki Plains Parish
- Alistair McBride from Cambridge Union Parish
FarewellsMargaret Giles was thanked her 24 years of work and what she has contributed as Synod Treasurer. Margaret will be remembered for her positive support, her ready smile, and her ability to help people look outside the square. Margaret replied by thanking everyone she had worked with.
Alison Molineux has been the Presbyter on the Super Team for the past year. Alison's wisdom and experience had been appreciated and valued as she worked with the Super team to develop this new way of leading Synod. Alison responded that the Super Team had been great to work with and thanked them and all the Synod
Wishing everyone the hope, peace, joy and love that we celebrate through Advent and the Christmas season.
2021 September - 'Virtual' Induction
News from Chartwell Co-operating parish.
Synod members as well as those from St Alban, Chartwell Co-operating parish have been pleased to be able to join in a service of celebration for the 'Virtual' Installation and Induction of the Rev Dr Jekheli Singh this afternoon (12th Sept).
Jekheli was recently appointed to this position, and the service was led by Archbishop Philip Richardson; assisted by Rev Ron Mills (Presbyterian church) and Deacon Margaret Birtles (Methodist Synod), as well as members of the St Albans congregation.
About 140 people joined by Zoom & Facebook, including Jekheli's family from India.
We congratulate Jekheli, look forward to the ministry she has to offer, and welcome her into the Waikato/Waiariki synod.
2024 - Inductions
Rev. Paula Moala
Rev. Paula Moala inducted on February 9, 2024 at Hamilton Methodist Parish
Rev. Ruth Sandiford Phelan
Rev. Ruth Sandiford Phelan was inducted on February 8, 2024 at Rotorua Methodist Parish
October 2024
St. John's Methodist Church, Hamilton East Service 6 Oct 2024
President Peter Taylor of the Methodist Conference of Aotearoa, New Zealand shared the word & consecrating the sacraments.
We also note the beginning of Fiji language week 2024 and are privileged to have the Waikato Fijian Community present for the launching of this week.
Rev. Trevor Bennett and his wife Barbara were addressed by President Peter Taylor as he takes on this new honour.
Rev. Trevor Bennett started in Marton, then Willoughby, Upper Hutt, Te Aroha, Langley USA, Mangere, Morrinsville, and then retired to Raglan, and later to Hamilton.
Trevor and Barbara will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary in December.
Congratulations & Malo lava to Rev. Bennett
We also have music from John Parker and the Manu Ma'a 'o e Funga Waikato Brass Band.
August 2024
August Synod at Atawahi Assisi, Tamahere on 10th August
August Synod gathered at the Village Barn at Atawahi Assisi in Tamahere on 10th August, and we were pleased to use this facility, as well as the chapel.
This annual meeting is an opportunity to hear from, and recognise all the organisations the District supports.
As usual there were a number of connexional papers which were discussed in small groups. Synod also gives us a chance to meet together as Parish reps from around the synod.
Another integral part of the gathering is to pay tribute to those in leadership roles, who have passed away during the year. Alan Bettany (Past vice president), Rev David Ansell, and Deacon Harvey Dalton & Deacon June Higham. We were also aware of recent passing of Rev Brian Eagle & Margaret Hammond. As we gathered it was a privilege to have members of June & Harvey's families, join us.
Deacon's Valma Hallam & Margaret Birtles with members of June and Harvey's families
June 2024
Refresh at Epworth camp (14th & 15th June 2024)
Refresh, held at Epworth camp on 14th & 15th June 2024, was a time of learning and refreshment, open to all of the Waikato Waiariki Synod district.
Reconnecting with each other was important. Gaining Knowledge especially on Bicultural Church & Treaty issues; Livestreaming & Community Outreach.
Invited Speakers: Tumuaki Rev Dr Arapera Ngaha, General Secretary Rev Tara Tautari, Rev Andrew Doubleday (UCANZ).
And also Rev Paula Moala (livestreaming), & Rev Manoa Havea (Where Cultures Meet)
Thanks to Paula for photos & recording available on Facebook page.
Visit Facebook for more photos and a video.
(Waikato Waiariki Synod facebook - www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553842196754 )
May 2024
Messy Church NZ Road Show
16th May at Putararu
Visit Facebook page for photos
( Messy Church facebook - www.facebook.com/messychurchnz/ )
April 2024
Opotiki Mission Project
St John's Opotiki had a celebration Service, Sunday 14th April, for the Opotiki Mission Project; attended by Deacon Margaret Birtles, representing Methodist Synod.
Sue Watson, Administrator Jess Suisted and Asher Jared Suisted
Jared & Jess Suisted have worked between church and community. This service was to establish a new expression of church alongside existing church activity.
Rev. Wilson Orange
Moderator - Kauhai Presbytery Suisted family receive a blessing to begin the new Ministry
February 2024
Induction of Rev. Ruth Sandiford Phelan at Rotorua Methodist Church
Rev. Ruth Sandiford Phelan was inducted on February 8, 2024 at Rotorua Methodist Church.
Service led by Deacon Margaret Birtles, Viv Whimster, and Tau Lasi
Deacon Margaret Birtles, Rev Ruth Sandiford Phelan,
and Rev Tau Lasi
Ruth receives gifts from Rotorua Parish
Induction of Rev. Paula Moala at Hamilton Methodist Parish
Rev. Paula Moala was inducted on February 9, 2024 at Hamilton Methodist Parish
Hamilton Methodist Parish welcomes Rev. Paula Moala & his family and looks forward to his ministry.
Service led by Rev. Tau Lasi and Deacon Margaret Birtles
Whanau present Paula Moala to Parish
Rev. Fred Gilbert extends a welcome on behalf of the Parish
Judy Pope making presentation on behalf of Parish
Paula Moala making responses to Rev. Tau Lasi Paula Moala and Deacon Margaret Birtles
Rev. Moala makes presentation to Hamilton Parish
2023 - Inductions
Rev. Asaeli Tulagi
Rev. Asaeli Tulagi inducted in February 12, 2023 at St Johns Parish, Hamilton East
Rev. Tau Lasi
Rev. Tau Lasi was inducted to Synod Superintendency Team in February 7, 2023 at Morrinsville Methodist Church
December 2023
Waikato-Waiariki Synod Meeting was held on 2 December at Te Awamutu Methodist Parish.
WWW (Women in Leadership) group celebrated 20 years of gathering
Synod celebrated the recent ordination of Mohukelesi Lolohea
Members were welcome and Presbyter Shelley Walker shared devotions.
A tribute to the late Doreen Wilson was read by Tarati Tia
Finance Report was presented by John Parker –there will be opportunity for parishes to ask for assistance.
Tau Lasi reported on Morrinsville Methodist church
Finance Report presented by John Parker
Parish News, was shared from Te Awamutu, Taumarunui/Ohura and Morrinsville, - noting that Tau Lasi’s final service is 7 January 2024
In the Property Report, parishes are advised to keep all security up to date
Farewells to Metui Tafuna and Viv Whimster
Farewells were shared for :-
Viv Whimster
Susan Thompson spoke for Viv who is stepping back from Synod activities. Tribute was paid to Viv’s years on the Executive, as Vice President of the church, and as one of the Super Team. The Synod and Executive will miss her wide knowledge of people and process in the MCNZ and her quiet wisdom. -
Neti Petaia and Metui Tafuna - Tau Lasi wished them well in their new appointments
‘Amelia Takataka, who is stepping down after 8 years as Synod Youth Co-convenor, was thanked for her contribution.
A festive Christmas Lunch was prepared and served by Peter Robertson and his team of helpers.
Super team, Jenny Mau, Amelia Takataka. Enjoying Christmas lunch.
Synod members were encouraged to take note of 2 Inductions.
Ruth Sandiford Phelan, Rotorua Parish, 8 February 2024 7pm
Paula Moala, Hamilton Parish (Melville), 9 February 2024, 7pm
Next meetings: Ministerial Synod 15 March 2pm Cambridge Union Parish
General Synod 16 March 9.30am Cambridge Union Parish
"At this Christmas when Christ comes, may He find a warm heart.
Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving others with God’s own love and concern.”
Mother Teresa
August 2023
The Waikato-Waiariki Synod held its Annual meetings on 4th of August at Chartwell Cooperating Parish.
Michael Cree, Isoa Toduadua, Seluvaia Pouono, Ofa Pouono and Sione Molitika
25 members of the Ministerial Synod gathered on 4th of August and received the tribute to Rev Mary Petersen who had passed away earlier in the year.
Devotions were taken by Rev. Jekheli Singh. Time was given for prayers and support to all in ministry. Topics discussed were
“Discernment: The Art of Making Decisions - A.I (Artificial Intelligence) and The Church”
District Synod met the next day and opened with a service of Holy Communion led by Rev Tau Lasi. Tributes were read for Lynne Pinkerton and Maurice Hight, as we thanked God for their lives and contribution made to synod.
Reports of the following groups were received: - Waikato Hospital Chaplaincy, Wintec Chaplaincy, Methodist City Action, University of Waikato Chaplaincy, Epworth Camp- Retreat & Recreation Centre, District Methodist Women’s Fellowship, and WWU Youth.
Tamahere Eventide Report was presented by CEO Louis Fick who gave an update on what has been happening at Tamahere.
The Lay Preachers report included planning for future training. Recently accredited were congratulated on their achievements Michael Cree, Sione Molitika, Isoa Toduadua, ‘Ofa Pouono and Seluvaia Pouono from Hamilton East Parish and Viliame Naliva from WBoP Parish.
There was small group discussion concerning efforts from Parishes for Climate Justice issues and a Synod sub Committee, was set up.
Special celebrations were announced :-
- Hospital Chaplaincy Fundraising Concert. Friday 25 August 7pm, St. Peter’s Cathedral. Contact Heather Major - [E-Mail not displayed] - for more details
- Rotorua Methodist Church and Bainbridge Centre is celebrating its 40thyear at 187 Old Taupo Road. Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 17 September, 10am followed by lunch. Email - [E-Mail not displayed] - for more details.
- 120th Anniversary for Waitoa Church. Sunday 10 September, 10am.
Parish news was shared from Te Aroha & Chartwell Cooperating parishes.
Synod is looking forward to a tour by UCANZ Ministry Facilitator Andrew Doubleday. He is hoping to visit as many Cooperating and Union parishes. as possible from 27th August to 10th September.
Next synod meeting 2 December, Te Awamutu 9.30am
Refresh, April 2023
Waikato Waiariki Synod Refresh 28,29 April 2023
About 30 people from across the Waikato Waiariki Methodist Synod, including the Waikato Rohe, gathered for our annual Refresh Retreat held at Epworth Camp.
We were blessed with good weather, a wonderful venue with great staff, good food.
So what was on the programme?
The programme began with a Whakatau and Minita a Iwi, Te Papara Kopa- Katene opened inprayer and with a blessing. Revs Tau Lasi & Bob Franklyn (Super team & organising committee) also spoke, then all present introduced themselves. All speeches were supplemented with waiata (songs) sung by all from the synod Te Reo resource booklet 2019.
Attendees chose 2 from 3 very good workshops to attend on the Friday.
“It’s Ok that you’re not Ok” Navigating Grief - Rev Dr Susan Thompson
Changing World Changing Church - Rev Bob Franklin
Our Green Journey / Eco Church - Sione Molitika, Amanda Williams & Alilia Molitika, Hamilton East / Anna Casey–Cox, Chartwell.
Charades, A Sing Along & board games were the relaxing activities on Friday evening.
On Saturday we gathered for devotions “Who is our neighbour?” led by Rev Bob Franklyn then all listened and contributed as Shirley Rivers from Methodist Mission Northern (Te Taha Maori) "40 years of the Bicultural Journey" and Rev Norman Brookes Retired Presbyter “Evolution or revolution- the Bicultural journey from a Pakeha Perspective" shared the history/s leading up to the conference decision in 1983 and after.
We reflected on the journey noting the 40 years since the journey began. What has been achieved? Where to from here? Land stories What are we doing in our parishes? Many interesting thoughts were shared in different conversations.
Waikato Waiariki Synod has not been idle, we can all support and encourage each other as parishes in this journey, and grow the relationship with Te Rohe Waikato. We were reminded by Te Rohe, that it is a two way conversation. This hui was a time to reflect before moving forward.
Thank you to all who attended, we acknowledge our workshop facilitators and our special guests Shirley Rivers & Rev Norman Brookes. I know we were all blessed in some way.
It was wonderful to have Te Papara for one day and the Te Taha Maori Liaison person,Waikato Rohe, Faye Blossom and her team present throughout the Hui. Faafetai lava to Rev Bob Franklyn, for all the hard work behind the scenes and on site, bringing this year’s Refresh together. Please remember Bob's operation, June 10th in our prayers.
Ma te Atua tatou katoa e tiaki. May God continue to watch over us all. Alisa Lasi.
March 2023
St Paul’s Putaruru were very pleased to host the March Synod, March 23.
They have been running Messy Church at St Paul’s for 8 years and were delighted to be asked to run a mini Messy Church for Synod.The core values of Messy Church are:
- All Age
- Christ Centred
- Hospitality
- Creativity
You can visit their website at messychurch.nzPlease contact Mary Addison if you would like to know more about Messy Church
Messy Church NZ
Core Values
Messy Church is opposed to tidy traditional church. It is an interdenominational, international way of doing church.
The core values of Messy Church are:
- All Age
- Christ Centred
- Hospitality
- Creativity
- Celebration Time
Format of the Service
It is usually run every 4 weeks at a time, that suits you and your community. St Paul’s run their Messy Church about every 6 weeks on a Saturday at 4-6 pm; as a small church. Anywhere between 50-100 attend at a time.
The format of the service:
- 4 pm - A short welcome in church
- 4.10-5 pm - Activities in the hall based on the Bible theme or message for the day
- 5.10-5.30 pm - Celebration Time in church which is Christ Centred. It’s a very relaxed noisy time with a simple message.
- 5.30 pm - Full sit down meal is provided for everyone.
- 6.-6.30 pm - Departure.
Messy School; Cooking Group; Fun, Food & Faith
As a result of Messy Church they now run Messy School. This is an after school literacy support group for children.
St Paul’s run a mum’s cooking group where they prepare a meal to take home . This happens once a month.
St Paul’s offer Fun, Food & Faith on a Sunday morning during the 10am service for children and their parents or caregivers.
You can visit their website at messychurch.nz
St Paul’s Putaruru Messy Church, contact Mary Addison
Please contact Mary Addison if you would like to know more about Messy ChurchMary Addison: [E-Mail not displayed]or visit the Messy Church NZ website: messychurch.nz
February 2023
Induction of Rev. Asaeli Tulagi at St Johns, Hamilton East, Tabacakacaka (Fijian Congregation) Waikato/Waiariki
Rev. Asaeli Tulagi was inducted in February 12, 2023 at St Johns Parish, Hamilton East.
Rev. Asaeli Tulagi Wasewase Superintendent Rev. Alipati Livani
Rev. Tulagi, and his sponsors. Esira, Rev. Tulagi's son, sharing reading. Presbyter Induction
Symbols presented included Balloons from young people
Rev. Tulagi and Rev. Anne Griffiths cutting cake
Induction of Rev. Tau Lasi at Morrinsville Methodist Church
Rev. Tau Lasi was inducted to Synod Superintendency Team in February 7, 2023 at Morrinsville Methodist Church
Welcome by Viv Whimster and Neville Westbury
Induction conducted by President Rev. Peter Taylor
Rev. Lasi responds to welcome and affirmation.
Waikato-Waiariki Super Team 2023 - Viv Whimster, Rev. Tau Lasi, Deacon Margaret Birtles
Family sing musical item Whanau and Support of Rev. Tau Lasi
Methodist Conference 2023 ONLINE
Hastings Wesley Community Centre
Registrations close: Friday 27 October
This information is also available on the Methodist website
Education Day For Parish Council Members
Saturday, September 30th, at Te Awamutu Parish
A reminder to all Synod members of Education day for Parish council members, Saturday, September 30th , at Te Awamutu Parish.
Come and learn from Alison and each other.
Please register: Jan Fogg 07 868 8602 email: [E-Mail not displayed]
2022 - Inductions
Rev. John Carr
Rev. John Carr inducted in July 2022 at Wesley Church, Tauranga
Rev. Lorelle Chapman
Rev. Lorelle Chapman inducted in March 2022 at Hauraki Plains Co-operating Parish
Rev. Mohukelesi Lolohea
Rev. Mohukelesi Lolohea inducted to ministry in February 2022 at Cambridge Union Parish
Rev. Alipate Livani
Rev. Alipate Livani inducted in February 2022 at St Johns Parish
Rev. Shelley Walker
Rev. Shelley Walker was inducted into the Superintendency Team by President Andrew Doubleday
December 2022
Matamata Union Parish 50th Anniversary
Matamata Union Parish, Matamata, 11 Dec. 2022
The present congregation, and visitors gathered on this day to celebrate the anniversary. Elaine Diprose shared some thoughts of Events leading to amalgamation of Methodist and Church of Christ Congregations.
Prior to Dec 1972, the Methodists required a bigger church, and several buildings were purchased in Tainui St, alongside the old Methodist parsonage (which had been converted to a coffee bar.) with plans to build there.
However, the resident minister, Rev Eric Eastwood asked members to consider amalgamation with Church of Christ, as they were needing some assistance.They had a building and land in Peria Road, and subsequently, after much discussion, this merger came about, and for a period of time the morning services were held in the Methodist church in Broadway and the evening services in Peria Road.
The old Methodist Parsonage, and 2 sections were sold and money used to upgrade the Peria church site. The old Methodist church was donated to the Firth Tower museum and it resides there to this day, being used for weddings. The Methodist women's groups combined into the Afternoon fellowship which included Church of Christ ladies.
The development necessitated many working bees, and it is noted that the concrete driveway was all mixed by hand. All those involved recalled them as being times of great fellowship as well as hard work.
Elaine - On the day when we all met for the first time, in the present church in Peria Road, most of us marched from the old Methodist church led by Rev Eastwood carrying the bible donated to the Matamata Methodist church, by the Firth family .
I think it worthwhile to pause and reflect as we celebrate 50 years, on a quote from Marty Rubin “Time does not pass, it continues”.
And quoting from that well known Methodist hymn:- 'We thank him for all that is past,and will trust him for all that to come'.
Saturday 19 November - Wednesday 23 November 2022
Kerikeri, Northland
METHODIST CONFERENCE 2022 Streaming Schedule PDF Livestream links for weekend services – all are welcome to view
PDF document which has the livestream links you will need to view the weekend services.
Atawhai Assisi Villas in Hamilton
10 November a significant gathering was held for the Blessing of the first Atawhai Assisi Villas.
A Powhiri was led by the Kaumatua, with a special welcome from Tamahere/Atawhai Assisi Village CEO Louis Fick. There was recognition of all those involved in the planning, development and building of the Villas.
Those attending, first gathered at the chapel and after prayers, were invited by the Kaumatua to walk around the villas as the blessing. The village is looking forward to welcoming the new owners.
Photos on Tamahere Eventide website.
August 2022
Wesley Methodist Church (1923 - 2022) Celebration, Hamilton
Wesley Methodist Church, Fairfield, Hamilton had an amazing time of celebration on Sunday 28th August.
It was a time for the final English Speaking Service, and to pass to the Fijian congregation, the responsibility of sharing the work of God in the church & community.
A brief History & Memoirs were available in a booklet shared with those who attended
The church was built in 1923, and it has served for 2 years as a United Evangelical Congregation, and 97 years as a Methodist congregation.
There were opportunties to share memories by Rev. Anne Griffiths, Paul Jensen, Eti & Tina Foisaga, David & Jacquie McGeorge, Rev Mervyn Dine, Rev Leigh Sundberg, & Asaeli Tulagi. The service was led by Rev. Alipate Livani, and the preacher was Rev. Alisa Lasi. A powerpoint of memories called 'A River runs through it' was also shared.
Photos on the Hamilton East Methodist website
July 2022
Induction of Rev. John Carr, Western Bay of Plenty Parish, Tauranga
Rev. John Carr inducted on July 3rd 2022 at Wesley Church, Tauranga
Deacon Margaret Birtles, Rev. Shelley Walker,
Rev. John Carr, Paul McMahon, Rev. Siosifa Pole
Laying on of hands at Induction with other church and Synod leaders
Symbols presented to John by Parish members
John presented his gift to Parish ("What is God Like" book) Carr Family - John, Abigail, Moses, and Hosea
Wesley Choir Afternoon tea after the service
June 2022
Confirmation Service, Chartwell Cooperating Parish, Hamilton
At Chartwell Cooperating Parish, a Confirmation Service and Patronal Service was held on Sunday, June 19th.
Visitors from Partner Churches; Deacon Margaret Birtles (Waikato Waiariki Methodist Superintendency Team), and The Most Reverend Philip Richardson (Bishop of Waikato and Taranaki Anglican Diocese); were welcomed by Rev. Jekheli Kibami Singh.
Rev. Shona Bettany, Executive Office, Kaimai Presbytery, was unable to attend
We were so thrilled to be celebrating with Harris Chaney, Sophia Chaney, Beckey O'Leary, Laura Bennett, Hayley Bennett, Michelle Bennett, Kelera Luvu, and Te Ano Tane Harrison, at their Confirmation this year, and continue to pray for them and their families.
Synod, All Saints Church, Hamilton
Synod held on June 11th at All Saints Church, Hamilton. Discussion was "Climate Change - Our Responsibility"
Devotions by Paul Jensen
May 2022
Wesley Sunday, 22 May 2022
Wesley Sunday is always a special celebration when we remember our founders.
Wesley Sunday, Wesley Parish, Tauranga, 22 May 2022
President Andrew Doubleday preached at Wesley Tauranga in the morning and Hamilton East in the evening. Both services were live streamed, which meant a wider group of people could take part even if they were unable to attend in person.
Western Bay of Plenty service, at Wesley Tauranga, was led by Rev Peter Taylor (Supply).
Parishioners attended from across the parish, and were surprised by a visit of Susanna Wesley who told some of here story in an interview with Viv Whimster. Other members also took part, including the Wesley choir and Viliame Naliva. An enjoyable social time was held as those attending gathered for morning tea.
Wesley Sunday, Hamilton East parish, Hamilton, 22 May 2022
In the evening Hamilton East hosted the Waikato celebration - led by Rev Alisa Lasi.
A large group of younger people entertained, and items were shared by the church choirs.
A special part of the evening was celebrating the 16th birthday of Mele & Ma'ata Pouono.
Deacon Margaret Birtles, President Rev. Andrew Doubleday, Rev. Shelley Walker, and Rev. Alipate Livani enjoyed sharing in the celebrations.
Epworth Refresh, May 2022
Epworth Refresh, 3rd & 4th May 2022
A small number of clergy and lay people gathered at Epworth for a time of refreshment, which was needed by everyone.
The church is fortunate to have such picturesque grounds to meet in, as well as an asset to share with our communities. We are grateful for the photo and report from Michael and Barbara Templer.
Epworth Refresh, May 2022
As first-time attendees at a Refresh event, my wife and I had little idea of what to expect.
For me the atmosphere of friendship and personal openness was a large contributor to the “refreshment”, amongst clergy and lay people, the majority whom I had never met before.
The shared studies had us digging deep into our personal attitudes and understandings with plenty of opportunities to do so as individuals in our own quiet space.
Beginning with paths we may explore, with promptings from selected Bible readings gave us a good stimulus for reflections on our past and future.
Reaching into all our senses, discovering fresh ways of experiencing the divine through them, was a time that I found truly enriching and lasting. Something beautiful to link to our surroundings at Epworth.
To the leaders who prepared these explorations and gave us the opportunities to share together our honest feelings, and find our own private pathways, my heartfelt thank you.
- Michael and Barbara Templer
Induction of Rev. Lorelle Chapman at Hauraki Plains
Rev. Lorelle Chapman inducted at Hauraki Plains Co-operating Parish for Presbyterian appointment
Lorelle Chapman signing letter of appointment. Presentation by Parish. Rev. Lorelle Chapman.
Super Team at Te Awamutu
Rev. Shelley Walker was inducted into the Superintendency team by President Andrew Doubleday.
Team - Viv Whimster, Shelley Walker, Margaret Birtles
Induction of Rev. Mohukelisi Lolohea at Cambridge Union Parish
Rev. Mohukelesi Lolohea was inducted to ministry in February 2022. Synod was pleased to welcome Mohu to this position, and pray that this will be a fulfilling ministry for Presbyter and Parish.
Mohukelesi and Saimone, with their daughter Fungani. Rev. Shelley Walker and Mohukelesi. Mohukelesi speaks to her congregation.
Induction of Rev. Alipate Livani at St Johns Parish
Rev. Alipate Livani was inducted to Wasewase Superintendency in February 2, 2022 at St Johns Parish, Hamilton East.
October 2021
Super Saturday Vaccinations
The Methodist Church of New Zealand Te Haahi Weteriana o Aotearoa strongly supports the NZ vaccination programme and encourages everyone who can, to get vaccinated.
Super Saturday was a success with many Covid-19 vaccine doses administered on 16th October.
June 2021
Commissioning of Heather Major to Hospital Chaplaincy at Waikato Hospital.
With Margaret Birtles.
2021 May - Refresh - Epworth
2021 May - Putaruru - Messy Church
Super Team visit to Putarararu
St Pauls have a wonderful community in Messy Church. With funding from "Let the Children Live" they organised a Pilgrimage to Tararoe's Grave in Waharoa, and heard her story from Archbishop Sir David Moxon. The Messy Church programme was based on this pilgrimage - story told again by Sir David.
Mary Rose, One of the team
Making the Peace Garden
2021 April Easter Camp - Epworth
Tik Tok Easter Camp was held at Epworth.
For more information please visit Epworth's Facebook page.
2021 March Taupo - Synod
Synod was held at St Paul's Union Parish on March 12th.
Ministerial Synod welcomed visitors - Rev. Adrian Skelton from UCANZ, and Semisi Pohiva from Royal Commision of Enquiry into Historical Abuse in Care - who gave a report on work the Pacific Investigation team is doing. After a lovely meal, provided by the Taupo Parish, the full Synod met.
We were reminded about UCANZ Forum to be held in Waikanae 16-18 April. The youth sent us a message via YouTube and it is hoped that Synod youth will attend Easter Camp 1-5 April.
Waikato/Waiariki Methodist Synod invites you to …
Dates: Fri 28th & Sat. 29th April 2023
Where: Camp Epworth Karapiro
Who for: Everyone!!!
What’s happening? A time to refresh mind, body and spirit.
Friday: Workshops, guest speakers, fellowship & time to refresh.
Saturday: Celebrating 40 yrs. of the Bi-cultural journey with key note speakers Rev Dr Arapera (Bella) Ngaha & Rev Norman Brookes.
Stay for the whole time or be a day tripper.
Registrations are open information on the brochure or contact:
Rev Bob Franklyn: [E-Mail not displayed] or 021 2628275
For latest responses to COVID-19 please visit Health and Safety on Methodist Website www.methodist.org.nz/tangata/covid19/current/