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Meeting our requirements - Webinar

11th May 2023

Learn about our key requirements from Wendy Anderson and how Trudy Downes verifies our requirements are being met.


Ideal Audience: This webinar would be suitable for property stewards and property teams, parish councils and other boards' members.

"Meeting our requirements" webinar video from 11 May 2023

Further information from the topics discussed

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Webinar Powerpoint presentation

Bricks and Mortar

Everything you need to know to manage church property


Bricks and Mortar, Section 8 - Kōrero Papatupu Whenua, Land Stories. Ratified at Conference 2022

MCPC Application form August 2019
Asbestos Management Latest version of Bricks and Mortar: Section 6
Emergency Response Plans Read the overview Guideline and then work through the 3 steps
Approved Evacuation Scheme Getting approval for your evacuation scheme is Step 2 of the emergency response plan process
Building Warrants of Fitness Each District or City Council will have its own BWoF Team - check out their websites. If you have any concerns about your building/s, please contact Trudy.
Property Register There is no one size fits all for how a property register will work. Start with the basics (ID#, Name, address), and then add columns for those things that you want to track, such as (BWoF, BWoF renewal, FENZ approval, Evac. Drill date, Asbestos clearances for all areas of the building).


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