#105 PAC Distribution Group
Your attention is drawn to the closing dates for Applications for the following P.A.C. Endowments. Please ensure that this material is referred to the Parish Meeting.
(Archives Endowment)
The income from this is available each year for distribution.
(Education Resource Person Endowment)
The income from this is available each year for distribution.
APPLICATIONS for funding requirements need to be in writing and in accordance with the Guidelines, and forwarded to the General Secretary by 30 June each year. Distributions from these two Endowments are the responsibility of the P.A.C. Distribution Group.
What is the PAC Distribution Group?
The primary task of the Group is to listen to stories and make gifts from the PAC Main Fund according to the “Touchstones and Guidelines” (as set out within this Information Leaflet). Gifts are made in response to written stories and applications (there is no formal application form). The Group may make its gifts according to a theme or in response to a theological reflection, for example in past years themes have been ‘First Fruits’, ‘Enabling Hope’, responding to the ‘Year of the Family’, ‘The Churches Decade of Solidarity with Women’.
The membership of the Group:
- Ex-President
- General Secretary
- 7 Members
- 2 persons retire annually
The Group meets to make allocations in July each year.
The Process Membership Selection Process:
Synods, UCC’s, Te Taha Māori and Parishes will be invited to send nominations for the Distribution Group to the General Secretary, by 31 August.
- The names and profiles of the nominees will be forwarded to the Council of Conference meeting prior to Conference.
- Council of Conference will select names to fill the vacancies, and
- take a suggested decision to Conference with the names of those selected.
- Should a vacancy occur during the year, the President may make an interim appointment, after holding consultation with Te Taha Maori and Tauiwi Strategy. Such an appointment will remain in place until the next annual appointment.
The PAC Distribution Group
- notes that distributions will be related to Biblical Tradition, take account of the Touchstones and Guidelines as approved by Conference, and be in accordance with the Mission Statement.
- believe it is the responsibility of the whole Church to be aware of and hear what is happening in the Church and the world and to share these understandings with each other;
“Listening and being response to what is happening in the Church and the world at any point of time and discovering how we can use this resource, through the Church or in the community, to empower good things to happen.” - will endeavour to listen and consult as widely as possible and encourage people to share with the Group what is happening. For example, members of the Group live in different parts of the country – talk to them
- see the nature of this Fund as a resource, which assists the Church to carry out its Mission;
- understands the nature of the distribution as “Gift”;
- recognises itself as a channel, by which the Church offers a gift of love to various groups
Conference 1988 delegated to the PAC Distribution Group the responsibility of deciding how the income is distributed each year. The Group has the full responsibility of determining the gifts that are given and they report their decisions to Conference.
“Note that for PAC the Church is the giver, and the Distribution Group is the means by which it is given.”
- Application for funding shall be forwarded to the General Secretary by 30 June in any year. Any applications received after the final meeting date for the year will be held over for consideration in the following year. An acknowledgement letter is sent to all applicants.
- Those applying for funding for a project which relates to the specific activities of a District or Church Board, should first consult with the representatives of that group and a letter of support from them should be attached to the application.
(See information Leaflet No. 105)
In addition to the PAC Main Fund, the Group also has responsibility for receiving applications for grants for the:
- PAC Archives Research Endowment Fund; and the
- PAC Resource Person/Education Endowment Fund.
Applications need to be submitted to the General Secretary, Methodist Church of New Zealand, PO. Box 931, Christchurch 8140, by 30 June.
The funds in the Main Fund are appointed:
- 60% Endowments – to fund important aspects of Ministry over an extended time period.
- 25% Grants to Methodist Church and Co-operative and Uniting Ventures of which the Methodist Church is part.
- 15% Community Groups outside the Church.