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Section 19

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Section 19 Removals Policy

Updated June 2023

Section 19: Removals Policy

  • Introduction

    The Connexional Office is responsible for the administration of a removal scheme that pays for the removal costs of Ministers and their families. This scheme is financed by a levy from all Methodist parishes based on membership. A second scheme was established for Uniting Parishes (Combined Ventures (CVs) who may choose to join the Uniting Churches of Aotearoa New Zealand (UCANZ) Removal Scheme, which is funded by a levy on each of the parishes who are members of the scheme. Further information relating to this may be obtained from UCANZ, who administers the scheme.

    This policy sets out the levels of support available to relocating Ministers and their families who are required to relocate in order to take up their new appointment.

    Please read this information carefully

    If there are any matters for which you require clarification or additional information, please contact the Connexional Office. We prefer that all details are finalised and understood before your move takes place rather than have uncertainty and confusion during or after the move.

  • Timing Arrangements

    Methodist Parishes

    • The Conference regulations are: That financial responsibility for Conference appointments transfers on 31 January, and duties will be taken up between the first and second Sundays in February (Conference Minutes 1978 p.563, Res 2). The Laws and Regulations of the Methodist Church indicate appointments take effect on the 1st day of February (Sec2:17.2).
    • Removals normally take place during January as conveniently arranged between the parties (those moving from and moving to a particular location and the removal company).

    Cooperative Ventures

    • For appointments not being filled by a Methodist appointment, the arrangements are negotiated with the parish and the denomination making the appointment. If the parish is a member of the Cooperative Ventures Removal Scheme, then UCANZ will arrange the move. If not, arrangements will be between the parish and the Presbyter who is moving.
  • Superannuating Ministers

    Superannuating Minister’s removal expenses to their initial retirement residence are paid for by the Removal Scheme.

  • Relocation Management

    The Methodist Church has appointed preferred suppliers to manage the relocation process on their behalf.

    When a Methodist Church assisted relocation is initiated, an advice will be sent to the removal company, and all contact between Ministers, their accompanying family and service providers will be achieved through an Account Manager.

  • Arrangements for Moves

    Arrangements for moves are normally arranged between the Minister’s Relocation Rep and the Minister.

  • Annual Church Tender

    The Connexional Office makes arrangements for the Church’s Preferred Supplier of Relocations to provide quotations for all moves.

  • Limits

    There is a limit of 45 cubic metres for which the removal scheme will pay the cartage. This limit has been set from information gathered from past moves and data provided by reputable moving companies as to the current average household sizes. Should the family ship more than their entitlement, the additional cost will be met by the family.

    It is acknowledged that for some families, there may be exceptional circumstances that need consideration. The General Secretary may exercise discretion to enable the Removal Scheme to meet payment of a larger volume.

    The Removal Scheme moves only household effects and furniture but not such things as timber, bricks, metal frames of outdoor play equipment, coal and firewood, boats and heavy hobby equipment. Please see the exclusions.

  • Packing

    It is the responsibility of the family who is moving to pack all of their household items other than breakables. The removal company will only pack breakables.

    One of the reasons for asking the family, which is moving to pack everything except breakables, is to ensure unwanted items are not shifted.

    Breakables are preserves, jams, glass bottles, crockery chinaware, crystal, glasses and ornaments. Removal companies are usually happy to also pack TVs, stereos, computers, and other electronic equipment, especially if the original packing materials are still available. However, it is expected that the owners will ensure stereo arms are fixed down and any special travel arrangements for computers etc., are attended to. Note the need to use the fixing device for some washing machines.

    Cartons and packing materials will be provided by the moving company. Ensure cartons are ordered to allow time for packing. The moving company will provide 30 cartons and tape.

    The removal company will only unpack those items that they have packed at the origin. It is the responsibility of the family to unpack all other items.

  • Personal Expenses

    Personal expenses for Methodist moves are generally reimbursed after the move has been completed. In some circumstances, particularly where the cost of interisland ferry fares must be paid, an advance payment can be made to cover the cost of fares and other direct expenses. In these circumstances, contact with the Connexional Office should be made as early as possible.

  • Pets

    The Church will reimburse 60% of expenses incurred in the transportation of family pets (maximum of two pets). Included is up to four nights’ accommodation in boarding facilities.

  • Postal Redirection Services

    The Church will reimburse the cost of postal redirection services for up to four months. The redirection of your mail can be done online.

    Or visit your local Post Shop to set up the redirection of your mail.

  • Travel

    Reimbursement will be made for the following travelling costs to your new home:

    • travelling with dependent family by the most direct route (one car) at the current Connexional travel rate per kilometre
    • reasonable meal costs en route
    • for moves involving a shift between the North and South Islands, interisland ferry fares for two cars or one car and trailer and your immediate family members
    • for moves over long distances, usually interisland, overnight accommodation at a medium-cost motel or similar (staying with friends and family is welcomed and saves costs to the Church)
    • claims for reimbursement of travel expenses should be forwarded to the Connexional Office within one month of the move.
  • Special Household Items

    If your family believes there are unique features in your move, you should contact the Connexional Office before you move.

  • Transit Insurance

    Who arranges the insurance?

    The Methodist Removal Scheme arranges for special Transit Insurance. In no circumstances should you arrange insurance coverage with a removal company.

    Please advise the Connexional Office if you have any items in excess of $10,000 in value.

    For Cooperative Ventures, movers refer to UCANZ for information regarding insurance arrangements.

    What is covered?

    Generally, loss and damage to the goods during the move and caused by the move: from the time goods are collected, during the normal course of transit, until they are delivered to the new location. Note that some electronic equipment, for example, computers, may be faulted just from being moved.

    Exclusions – what is not covered by transit insurance?

    • Damage caused by liquids, paints etc
    • Loss of money, jewellery and small items of high intrinsic value, stamps, and collectable items (such items are best handled and carried in the care of the family moving)
    • Damage to pot plants
    • Liability for depreciation in value following repair
    • Loss or damage arising from atmospheric or climatic conditions
    • Consequential loss of any kind
    • Any loss, damage, or liability insured by any other Policy of Insurance.


    If it is established that the value of the goods is greater than the amount for which they have been insured, the insured may be required to be responsible for the difference between the insured value and the actual value and may be required to bear a proportion of the loss or damage to any such goods. The total liability shall not exceed the sum stated in the inventory form and not more than for any effects than the amounts declared.

    • Individual items that have a value of over $2,000 must be listed separately; all other items may be included as a collective total value.
    • In a pair or set of items, only the damaged article is repaired or replaced and not both items in a pair or all items of a full set.
    • The option of settling any claim is by replacing or repairing the goods, subject to a maximum liability or cash payment.
    • Repair is to a condition that is reasonably practicable and comparable with the original.
    • Notification of any claim should be submitted to the Connexional Office within seven days of the move being completed. If notification has not been made within 30 days of the completion of the move, the Insurer may decline acceptance of the claim.

    How should values on the inventory form be decided?

    Keeping in mind the exclusions and conditions set out previously, it is important that household and personal effects being moved should be indicated for the full current value:

    • For those items less than five years old, the actual replacement value.
    • For items five years old and/or more, their current value (say, as second-hand).

    Those items packed by the household moving (owner-packed goods) will normally be assessed by the removers as they are being loaded as to condition, such as marked/soiled/scratched/broken/torn. Any claims for damage will involve consideration of such removers’ assessment.

    Completing the inventory

    A form is provided with a copy to be retained for your records. Tick in the appropriate column those items less than five years old.

    Basis of settlement of a claim

    The Fund may choose to settle up to the sum specified either by payment, replacement, or repair to a condition as is reasonably practical and comparable with the original and will base the settlement on:

    1. replacement for those items indicated as less than five years old,
    2. replacement less allowance for wear, tear, and depreciation, and consideration of the remover’s assessment (see above) on the other items on the Inventory Form.

    The provision of Insurance is to make good as near as possible any damage that might occur during the move. Often a repair or replacement cannot restore the item to exactly the same condition as it was prior to the move. Every endeavour will be made to affect the best possible repair; however, some items will carry a scar for life.

  • Matters of Finance

    The funding of relocations will be undertaken in the following manner:

    Appointments to Methodist Parish:

    • The Methodist Church Removal Fund.

    Appointments to Cooperative Ventures:

    • The Parish to which the person has been appointed.

    Unless that parish is a member of the UCANZ Cooperative Ventures Removals Scheme (CVRS), in which case the costs are met from the Scheme.

    Supply Appointments to Cooperating Ventures for which the Methodist Church has responsibility:

    • The Methodist Church Removal Fund

    Note: If you expect to have the expenses of your move paid for by either:

    The Methodist Church Removal Expenses Fund,
    then your move and its arrangements must have been approved by the Administration Division before you move:


    The Cooperative Ventures Removal Scheme,
    then your move and its arrangements must have been approved by UCANZ.

    No costs are paid or reimbursed for any non-approved moves. The expenses of a removal are only met from either of the Removal Schemes when approval for the move has been given prior to the move being undertaken.

  • Exclusions

    Items or services not included for shipment at the Church’s expense are:

    • freight and cartage over 45 cubic metres
    • the cost of storing your household goods
    • timber, bricks, coal, firewood
    • metal frames of outdoor play equipment
    • travelling and other costs of a second car, trailer, caravan, or other similar vehicles, except the interisland ferry cost for a second car or trailer
    • alternative accommodation when the house you are moving to is not available for you to move into when you arrive
    • valet unpacking
    • home cleaning
    • paints and other flammable materials are hazards and cannot be relocated
    • other unusual and/or large items not otherwise specified
    • insurance premium costs over the $100,000 worth of cover
    • the Church will not pay for section cleaning, rubbish collection, gardening or lawn mowing services.
  • Miscellaneous

    These guidelines are designed to ensure that Ministers and their families receive as much assistance as practicable to ensure a smooth transition to their new location. However, the Methodist Church does recognise that, in some cases, there will be circumstances outside the policy that require special consideration. These situations should be referred to the Connexional Office and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

    Only in exceptional circumstances will the Removal Scheme meet the costs of:

    • freight and cartage over 45 cubic metres
    • the costs of placing your furniture and personal effects into and out of storage
    • insurance premium costs over the $100,000.00 of cover
    • travelling and other costs of a second car, trailer, caravan or other similar vehicles, except the ferry cost for a second car or a trailer

    alternative accommodation when the house you are moving to is not available for you to move into when you arrive

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