Home The Methodist Church of New Zealand
Te Rito Peyroux

An Ecumenical Workshop open to all

Sat, Aug. 26, 2023 09:30 — 12:30
TeRito Peyroux-Semu: My Journey as an LP
We all need to reflect on where we have come from, who nurtured
us and the tales we can tell. It's all tied in with our roots and our
TeRito will reflect on how her Vice presidency goes hand in hand
with Lay Preaching.
How can we develop and grow in our calling? We are always
focused on our congregations but need time to self-reflect.
TeRito Peyroux-Semu is currently the Vice President of Te Hāhi Weteriana o Aotearoa – The Methodist Church of New Zealand. She has a background in education and church youth work and is part of the leadership team at Kingsland Methodist Church. She is of Rotuman, Cook Island and French descent and lives in Auckland with her NZ Samoan husband and their young son.
Suggested Koha $10, please bring a plate. Come and be part of this learing opportunity.
RSVP: Linda Hall 09 521 5360 or email: [E-Mail not displayed] by Aug 19, 2023