Home The Methodist Church of New Zealand

Information Leaflet

No.25 Methodist Stipends and Allowances

Information Leaflets
  • Action 1: Consultation between the Presbyter and the Parish

    Prior to incurring any expenditure for which additional reimbursement is to be sought, agreement (preferably in writing) must be reached on the type and amount of expenditure, if any, which the Parish is willing and/or able to meet from Parish funds. It is suggested that in the first instance the Presbyter may hold a discussion with the Parish Steward or Parish Treasurer before the subject is raised at a full Parish meeting. In some instances it may be appropriate for some District involvement in the conversations.

    This will enable the Presbyter to determine the level of expenditure that can be made, by taking into account the Parish contribution, if any, and the personal contribution, if any, which the Presbyter is prepared to make.

    Where additional reimbursement is to be paid, to cover the purchase of goods, then final ownership of these goods must be clearly determined prior to purchase.

    Some understanding as to when the Presbyter will be paid the additional reimbursement of the church related expenses should also be discussed. In some cases it may be appropriate to seek reimbursement at the time of the expenditure, while in other cases it may be preferred to arrange reimbursement at set times during the year.

  • Action 2: Reimbursement of the Expenditure by the Parish

    Having negotiated with the Parish and maintained an accurate record, reimbursement should then be sought using the procedure agreed during the initial consultation.

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