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Orders of Service

Faith & Order

These have been published by the Faith & Order Committee. 

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  • Communion. Hospital

    An Order for the Celebration of Holy Communion in Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Home Visits.

    This is a brief order to meet the pastoral and spiritual needs of the sick, infirm and frail. It
    includes optional rites for the laying on of hands, and for the blessing of oil and anointing.
    It is not intended for use in Church.

    The Officiant begins with one of these forms of words or words of her or his choosing.
    Peace unto this house and all those who dwell here.
    The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the
    Holy Spirit be with you always.

    Call to Worship.
    From the rising of the sun to its setting,

    the name of the Lord be praised.
    The Lord is high above all nations,
    and God’s glory above the heavens. (Ps 113:3-4.)

    Messages of love and support may be shared at this stage.

    If a sentence of Scripture is required one of the following may be used, or another text
    chosen by the officient.

    “A bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench.” (Isiaiah 42:3a.)

    “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1.)

    “Come to me all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me: for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29.)

    Confession and Assurance of God’s Mercy.
    In deep truthfulness let us reflect upon our lives in the light of the Gospel,
    looking to the life of Jesus as God’s calling to us to a full humanity.
    How near are we to him, and how far away?


    God Father and Mother of all,
    have mercy upon us.
    Jesus, the way of God enacted in our humanity,
    have mercy upon us.
    Holy Spirit, Loving Presence of God,
    have mercy upon us.
    May God, author of all mercy, forgive you (us)
    and grant you (us) newness and freedom.
    May you (we) know the wholeness and healing of the Spirit,
    And may you (we) be restored to wholeness in Christ. Amen.

    Nb. If an ordained presbyter is leading this service he or she may use “you,” a non-ordained person
    authorised to celebrate Holy Communion should use “us” and “we.”

    Scripture Reading or Readings. It is our tradition that Scripture is always accompanied by an
    exploration of the text in preaching, of necessity any reflection on the text in this context should be
    simple, brief and informed by the pastoral situation.

    Prayers of Intercession.
    The Lord’s Prayer.
    If the Laying on of Hands is to be used this or another form of words may be used.

    N. may you know peace this day,
    May you be restored to yourself.
    May God, wellspring of life,
    nurture life and newness in you,
    May you know a peace the world cannot give,
    and assurance of the everlasting love of God. Amen.

    If Anointing of Oil is to be used and a blessing is required for the oil this or another form of
    words may be used.
    In love and in caring we reach out and touch
    others with the promise of a Loving God.
    In setting aside this oil for anointing,
    we acknowledge the sacredness of touch.
    Come Holy Spirit,
    touch this oil which will be used with loving kindness,
    may it be a promise of wholeness
    and a sign of deep peace. Amen.

    Nb. By tradition it is olive oil which is used in rites of anointing.

    The Anointing.
    These or another form of words may be used, or the anointing can be done without words.
    A Sign of the Cross is made in oil on the forehead.
    May Christ be in your mind and in your dreaming, may his presence keep you in all peace.
    A Sign of the Cross is made in oil on the collar bone.
    May Christ be in your heart and in your loving, may his be your every intention and your
    every longing.
    A Sign of the Cross is made in oil on a hand.
    May Christ be in your reaching out, in your friendship , loving and work. May Christ be in all
    who reach out to you in love and care.

    The Eucharistic Prayer.
    All praise and thanksgiving to you our God,
    for the gifts and graces you give to us in abundance through Christ.
    We thank and praise you that in his living and dying
    you entered our very humanity for its wholeness and its healing.
    We thank you that here and now your Holy Spirit moves among us,
    Come Holy Spirit, holding us in your peace, and breathe us to life,
    abide with us.

    Come Holy Spirit, touch these gifts of bread and wine,
    that in this sacred meal we may be strengthened and renewed in grace.

    On the night that he was betrayed,
    Jesus shared a meal with his friends.
    While at table he took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them saying;
    “Take, eat, this is my body broken for you,
    do this to remember me.”
    Then he took a cup of wine, blessed it and shares it saying;
    “This cup is the cup of a new covenant, sealed with my blood, shed for you and for many,
    for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, remember me.”

    Come Lord Jesus,
    may we know you in the breaking of the bread.

    The Breaking of Bread.
    The bread we break, the cup we share,
    are the meal of life.
    Let us eat, drink, remember and live.

    The Communion.

    Post Communion Prayer.
    We thank you Lord that you have united us in this sacrament,
    fed us in Christ,
    and given us a foretaste of the banquet you are preparing
    for all humanity. Amen.

    The Blessing.
    These or another form of words may be used.
    The God of hope fill you (us) with all joy and peace in believing;
    And the blessing of God,
    Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer of Life,
    Be with you (us) this day and always. Amen.

    A Brief Rite of Holy Communion for Use in Pastoral Emergencies.
    This brief rite is intended as a resource for Holy Communion with those who are seriously ill,
    injured or close to death and in and out of consciousness.
    It is unusual in that there is no dialogue and is entirely led by the officiant.

    A Simple and Brief Greeting. (In extremis this could be dispensed with.)
    These or some other form of words may be used.

    This meal is a token of God’s love and of our loving care for you,
    may you be comforted and touched by peace.

    The Prayer of Consecration.
    Blessed be Jesus, who on the night before he died took bread, blessed, broke and
    shared it saying;
    “Take this all of you and eat it, this is my body, broken for you, do this to remember me.
    He then took wine, blessed and shared it saying; “Take this all of you, drink it and
    remember me.”
    Comforter bless these gifts, hold us in your embrace. Amen.

    These or another form of words may be used.

    Peace I gift to you, God’s peace I leave you, a peace the world cannot give.

    Into your hands Lord we commend her / his Spirit, you have redeemed her / him
    Lord God of Truth.


    Be in peace,
    may the hand of God be stretched out to meet you,
    the courage of Christ carry you beyond the known way,
    the Spirit fill you with sweet love. Amen.
    Alternatively a blessing could be given by tracing the sign of the cross on the
    forehead or hand.