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Covid-19 Connexional Zui Series

Grab a cup of tea and join or watch one or all of these Zui. 

Recorded (latest recording first)

  • The aim of the Covid-19 Connexional Zui series

    To provide people with practical/tangible ideas of what to do, what to think about, what to discuss and action with colleagues.

  • The ideal Zui audience

    Administrators who would have to do the follow up work if Covid-19 came to your place, presbyters, lay preachers, parish councils, and church leaders.

  • What's a Zui?

    Zoom hui

    hui = gathering

  • Be aware of the dates of the Zui recordings

    Covid-19 is happening fast at the moment (01 Mar 2022). All discussions are based on what was happening at that given date, and circumstances may have changed between then and now.

    Please contact Trudy if you have any questions on differences that have occurred between then and now.